Dedicated Master Gardener volunteers work in the greenhouses several days a week all year round. The plants are brought from home to divide or started new from cuttings or seeds and are nurtured by experts. Their outcome includes an annual two-day sale in late April and various other smaller sales throughout the year at area Farmers Markets. Plants are taken to Hospice of the Valley patients on a regular basis to brighten their surroundings. Morgan County is privileged to have many talented and knowledgeable Master Gardeners who learn from each other as they work together. Volunteering is an excellent way to learn more about all things ‘green’. The greenhouses are located just off the walking trail in Point Mallard. The volunteers are usually working most Monday and Wednesday mornings, but other times can be coordinated. For more information or if you wish to donate plants, contact Doty Henry or Sonya Hyatt.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Volunteer Opportunities for the Morgan County Master Gardeners.
Our MCMGA volunteers weed and do minor gardening for the HOTV office at 240 Johnston St in Decatur. This is a rewarding opportunity and one that can be done at your most convenient time. For more information, contact Nancy Shannon,
Reach for the Stars is a volunteer service recognition program approved by the State Master Gardener Board of Directors in February 1999. Participation in the Reach for the Stars Program is an option for each local association, and all are encouraged to participate. For more information, contact Norris Johnston,
The purpose of the Program is two‐fold:
1. To recognize Master Gardeners who have assisted Extension in educating and improving their communities.
2. To encourage Master Gardeners to keep records and report volunteer hours as requested by ACES. Recorded hours are utilized in justifying the resources expended by ACES to educate and train Master Gardeners.
The only hours that will count toward the Reach for the Stars program are those earned while the MG is a member in good standing of AMGA.
Master Gardeners will follow the Volunteer Hours Policies/Guidelines established by the Steering Committee in recording volunteer hours.
This program is effective retroactive to the inception of the Master Gardener Program in 1981. Hours earned should comply with the Volunteer Hours Policies. The annual reporting period will be January 1-December 31. Star and badge requirements will be submitted to the AMGA Awards Chair by January 31.
Requirements for earning stars and badges are as follows:
• Bronze Star 100 – 299 hours
• Silver Star 300 – 499 hours
• Gold Star 500 – 999 hours
• Gold Name Badges 1,000 – 1,999 hours
• Platinum Badges 2,000 – 3,999 hours
• Silver Star Pin with ruby colored gemstone 4,000 – 5,999 hours
• Silver Star Pin with emerald colored gemstone 6,000 – 7,999 hours
• Silver Star Pin with diamond colored gemstone 8,000 – 9,999 hours
• New Badge with lifetime membership in AMGA – 10,000 + hours
Some of our members have adopted schools or other public places and take care of their gardens or landscaping.
Opportunities include working in the gift shop, greenhouses/horticulture, Galaxy of Lights, docents(tour guides), education assistants, luncheon hostesses, administrative, plant sales, special events assistants, Spring Festival of Flowers and Tea Room. Call the Volunteer Coordinator
Our organization has a number of committees needing volunteers. Please check the Officers page or the front page of your handbook for the current committee chairs to find a committee you might enjoy.