Native Plants and Wild Turkey Habitat Seminar

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Date(s) - 08/08/2023
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Categories No Categories

Seminar speakers: Kyle Lybarger and Dr. Will Gulsby

Sign in starts at 8am

The following topics will be discussed:

1. Select native plants for your yards and farms.
2. One problem is invasive species sold as yard plants.
3. Managing your land/yard for native plants.
4. Seed collection and propagation of native pollinators.
5. Identification apps for native pollinators.
6. Why should we care if native pollinators disappear?
7. Why are wild turkey populations dropping?
8. Turkey habitat needs.
9. Baiting and feeding with corn, good or bad?
10. Factors in nesting success.
11. Poult survival issues and their habitat issues.
12. Predator control. Does it really help

Event Location
2226 AL-14 W, Suite E
Autaugaville, AL 36003

Phone: (334) 361-7273
Website: Autauaga County Extension Office

The seminar is free, but pre-registration is required.

Please see the flyer for registration details: Native Plants and Wild Turkey Habitat Flyer