A Scoop of February and a Barrel of Spring

DocThank you Dr. Ed Stephenson from UA’s Dept. of Biological Sciences for your informative presentation on GMO technology.

Congratuations to these Master Gardeners for their achievements:

 Bobby  Cherones  (TCMG Class  of  ’97)   February’s   “MASTER  GARDENER  OF   THE   MONTH”  for   TCMG!
And, to   the   following  Master Gardeners   who   earned   and   were   awarded   designated    volunteer  hour  stars   of   achievement.
BRONZE  STAR:    Randy   Hoggle (TCMG ’11),  Kim  Lawrence (TCMG ’12),   and   Sailaja  Reddy (TCMG ’13)
SILVER  STAR:    Ann  Hewitt (TCMG ’13)
GOLD  STAR:    Linda   Baggett  (TCMG ’09)   and   Octavia   Miles  (TCMG ’10)
GOLD  BADGE  to  be  presented   at   the   AMGA  in   Cullman (March 23-25)   to:    Jeanie  Gray (TCMG ’04)   and  Thomas  Whitehead (TCMG ’99)

Barrel of Spring Bulbs

by Judith Rives

     bulb barrelOne Wednesday workday at the UA Arboretum, in the fall of 2013, Jackie McConnell and I were given our task for the day.  We were handed several bags of various spring flowering bulbs to plant together in a whiskey barrel. There were at least 6 different types, of varying size and bloom time.

If they had been thrown in the barrel haphazardly, they might have been just as beautiful a sight the next spring.  However, both Jackie and I were in our professional lives, medical technologists.  Precision and accuracy were our guidelines, and there was no way we could just “throw them in the soil”.  So we looked at soil depths, spacing, and bloom time for each type of bulb. We tried to visualize what would be blooming together at the same time. We used a ruler to measure depth and spacing. We probably really put WAY too much thought into it and took a lot longer than necessary to do the job….but just look at the results!

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