Welcome Interns!

Welcome to our 2015 Spring Intern Class:  Lucia Duggin, Susan Gaskins, John Hewitt, Rena Jarvis, Jenelle Marsh, Barbara Martin, Ronald Phelps, Laura Whitaker, Jill Wright, Terry Reaves, Linda Holifield, Ann Schaetzle, Catherine Hummel, Eddie Yessick

Congratulations to March Master Gardener of the Month:  Tom Whitehead


Our    educational   presenter   will  be    Gregory  Whitis,  Extension  Aquaculturist  of    Alabama    Cooperative  Extension   System      and     Alabama  Fish  Farming   Center;  Greensboro,  Alabama.

As  always,  we  look  forward   to   sharing  and  tasting,   so,  “LET’S   DO   IT   IN   GREEN”! You   are   invited   to  bring   your   favorite     “GREEN”    appetizers,  desserts,   or   salads   as    we    secretly   begin   to  celebrate   the   arrival   of   springtime!

New Volunteer Opportunities:

Contact  Jeanie Gray for more information   jrgray33@bellsouth.net

  Eagle’s   Wings
  10:00   a.m.   to    around   noon,      beginning    Wednesday,  March   4
                      (inside   activities) Eagle’s   Wings    is  located:
12379   Eagles  Wings   Drive
 Coker, AL 35452
( 5.5  miles   past  Northport   Walmart  on  Highway  82, 1/2  mile  beyond   mile   marker   39   on  the   right)
Oakhill School
Julia Bush at Oakhill School has requested help with a butterfly garden and planting fruit trees.  We will need a team of 4-5 people to take this project on.  The hours are flexible, Monday-Friday between 8 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Twitter image


Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @TuscCoGardeners



Ready, set, go get your seedlings and root cuttings prepared!

TCMG Pass-Along Plant Sale

Tuscaloosa County Master Gardeners: mark your calendars! Our annual Pass-Along Plant Sale will be Saturday, April 25. Setting up for the sale will be the afternoon of Friday, April 24. This sale funds our $1000 scholarship to an area student studying a horticulture-related field at Auburn University.  

Now is the time to consider the plant materials you plan to bring to the sale.  It’s almost time to start seeds for bedding plants and vegetables, and to root cuttings of other plants.  Sybil Phillips and Susan Kilgore are the co-chairs of the 2015 plant sale, and we anticipate another successful year.

A Scoop of February and a Barrel of Spring

DocThank you Dr. Ed Stephenson from UA’s Dept. of Biological Sciences for your informative presentation on GMO technology.

Congratuations to these Master Gardeners for their achievements:

 Bobby  Cherones  (TCMG Class  of  ’97)   February’s   “MASTER  GARDENER  OF   THE   MONTH”  for   TCMG!
And, to   the   following  Master Gardeners   who   earned   and   were   awarded   designated    volunteer  hour  stars   of   achievement.
BRONZE  STAR:    Randy   Hoggle (TCMG ’11),  Kim  Lawrence (TCMG ’12),   and   Sailaja  Reddy (TCMG ’13)
SILVER  STAR:    Ann  Hewitt (TCMG ’13)
GOLD  STAR:    Linda   Baggett  (TCMG ’09)   and   Octavia   Miles  (TCMG ’10)
GOLD  BADGE  to  be  presented   at   the   AMGA  in   Cullman (March 23-25)   to:    Jeanie  Gray (TCMG ’04)   and  Thomas  Whitehead (TCMG ’99)

Barrel of Spring Bulbs

by Judith Rives

     bulb barrelOne Wednesday workday at the UA Arboretum, in the fall of 2013, Jackie McConnell and I were given our task for the day.  We were handed several bags of various spring flowering bulbs to plant together in a whiskey barrel. There were at least 6 different types, of varying size and bloom time.

If they had been thrown in the barrel haphazardly, they might have been just as beautiful a sight the next spring.  However, both Jackie and I were in our professional lives, medical technologists.  Precision and accuracy were our guidelines, and there was no way we could just “throw them in the soil”.  So we looked at soil depths, spacing, and bloom time for each type of bulb. We tried to visualize what would be blooming together at the same time. We used a ruler to measure depth and spacing. We probably really put WAY too much thought into it and took a lot longer than necessary to do the job….but just look at the results!

February TCMG Meeting and Information about GMO

Just a  REMINDER  that  our   membership   meeting will be  on  Tuesday,  February  10  at  5:30  pm   in   the   auditorium  of   the  Extension  Office.
Our  social  hour  theme:       TASTING  “RED”:    Spaghetti,  Lasagna,  Barbecue;
                                                       Strawberry,  Cherry,  Or  Raspberry  salads                                                                                          or desserts.
Come   and   bring any one of your favorite, delicious  “RED”  dish  servings!
Our   educational   program    “GMO  Seeds   &   Plants”     will   be   presented   by   Dr.   Ed  Stephenson.
For those of you who are like me and may not know, a GMO is defined as an organism whose genome has been altered by the techniques of genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally found there.
Note: A high percentage of food crops, such as corn and soybeans, are genetically modified.   (dictionary.reference.com)
From UGA Extension Service:
Men’s Journal provided a balanced discussion of GMOs and their place in agriculture.
A January blog entry from the UGA Extension Service has a link to an article “How do we know what to believe?’ about GMOS.
Thank’s to Judith Rives for contributing to this post.
Hope to see you at the meeting!

Take a Hike!


Hiking Alabama60 Hikes Within 60 Miles: Birmingham: Including Tuscaloosa, Sipsey Wilderness, Talladega National Forest, and Shelby County Paperback – May 28, 2007


No more excuses like “there’s nowhere to go around here,” “the woods are too far from the city,” or “I don’t have time to wander the trails.” With 60 Hikes within 60 Miles: Birmingham as your guide, you have dozens of places to hike to your heart’s content, and most within an hour’s drive or less.

60 Hikes within 60 Miles: Birmingham blows the lid off the myth that you can’t have a great hike close to home. The Birmingham area may be ever-expanding, but there are still plenty of super hiking options: short hikes, long hikes, hikes for kids, urban hikes, rural hikes, wildlife hikes, historic hikes, and many others.
Inside you will find: trail descriptions that allow you to assess each trail before you hike it; GPS-based trail maps that provide you with accurate trail information; trail profiles that help you visualize altitude gain and loss; directions that lead you to the trailheads.

Whether you live in Birmingham, Anniston, Gadsden, or Tuscaloosa, 60 Hikes within 60 Miles: Birmingham provides the information necessary for you to choose the perfect day hike, as well as maps, directions, trail lengths, hiking times, highlights, and a wealth of detail about the trail itself. So lace up those boots, sling that daypack, and hit the trail!

This book is available for FREE via Tuscaloosa Public Library’s digital library.

Best of the Best: Top Plant Performers

Get geared up for spring and check out these top plant performers at the 2014 MSU Annual Trials!

Calibrachoa Conga
Calibrachoa Conga

Each year since 1977, the Michigan State University Horticulture Demonstration Gardens evaluates hundreds of new annuals grown from seed or cuttings. Trial selections are supplied by 22 private breeding companies and the plants are grown in MSU greenhouses and transplanted into either ground beds or containers after the last frost has passed, which is late May or early June.

Angelonia Archangel
Angelonia Archangel

Approximately 46 plants had an average rating of 5.0 for the entire 2014 season.  Here are the top:

Calibrachoa Conga Blush – Ball FloraPlant

Angelonia Archangel Dark Rose – Ball FloraPlant

Basil Try Basil – PanAmerican

Begonia Mistral Red – Selecta

Bracteantha Cottage Bronze – Westhoff

Caladium Artful™ Fire and Ice – Proven Winners

Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Hula Orange – RED FOX

Calibrachoa Celebration® Banana – Westhoff

Calibrachoa Celebration® White Imp. 355 – Westhoff

Cleome Senorita Rosalita – Proven Winners

Coleus Kong Lime Sprite – PanAmerican

Coleus Marquee Blonde Bombshell – Burpee Home Gardens

Coleus Marquee Box Office Bronze – Burpee Home Gardens

Diascia Sundiascia ™ Upright Blush White – Suntory

Impatiens Big Bounce Cherry – Selecta

Impatiens Bounce Pink Flame – Selecta

Lantana Little Lucky Orange – Ball FloraPlant

Lantana Lucky Lavender – Ball FloraPlant

Lobelia Waterfall Purple – Ball FloraPlant

Lobularia Dark Knight – Proven Winners

Marigold Durango Tangerine – PanAmerican

Marigold Durango Yellow – PanAmerican

Pennisetum Graceful Grasses® Sky Rocket’ – Proven Winners

Petunia Bingo®/Perfectunia® Magma Red – Westhoff

Petunia Bingo®/Perfectunia® White – Westhoff

Petunia Crazytunia® Knight Rider impr. – Westhoff

Petunia Damask Violet – Syngenta

Petunia Easy Wave Berry Velour – PanAmerican

Petunia Easy Wave Burgundy Velour – PanAmerican

Petunia Flash Mob Pinkceptional – Ball FloraPlant

Petunia Happytoonia Blue – PAC-Elsner

Petunia Peppy Lavender – RED FOX

Petunia Picobella Cascade Lavender – Syngenta

Petunia Picobella Cascade Red – Syngenta

Petunia Success! Red – Benary

Petunia Success! Rose – Benary

Petunia Success! Violet – Benary

Petunia Success! White – Benary

Petunia Supertunia® Morning Glory – Proven Winners

Portulaca RioGrande Magenta – Ball FloraPlant

Portulaca RioGrande Orange – Ball FloraPlant

Portulaca RioGrande Yellow – Ball FloraPlant

SimplyHerbs Curled Parsley – PanAmerican

SimplyHerbs Oregano – PanAmerican

Verbena Estrella UP Pink Ballet – Westhoff

Verbena Voodoo TR Pink Star – Westhoff

To read more click here

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