February TCMG Meeting and Information about GMO

Just a  REMINDER  that  our   membership   meeting will be  on  Tuesday,  February  10  at  5:30  pm   in   the   auditorium  of   the  Extension  Office.
Our  social  hour  theme:       TASTING  “RED”:    Spaghetti,  Lasagna,  Barbecue;
                                                       Strawberry,  Cherry,  Or  Raspberry  salads                                                                                          or desserts.
Come   and   bring any one of your favorite, delicious  “RED”  dish  servings!
Our   educational   program    “GMO  Seeds   &   Plants”     will   be   presented   by   Dr.   Ed  Stephenson.
For those of you who are like me and may not know, a GMO is defined as an organism whose genome has been altered by the techniques of genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally found there.
Note: A high percentage of food crops, such as corn and soybeans, are genetically modified.   (dictionary.reference.com)
From UGA Extension Service:
Men’s Journal provided a balanced discussion of GMOs and their place in agriculture.
A January blog entry from the UGA Extension Service has a link to an article “How do we know what to believe?’ about GMOS.
Thank’s to Judith Rives for contributing to this post.
Hope to see you at the meeting!

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