Demonstration garden sign with Chilton County Master Gardener logo of peach

Who are Chilton County Master Gardeners?

The Chilton County Master Gardeners Association is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization consisting of trained volunteers that work in partnership with county and Regional Extension Agents. We are wholly supported and funded by membership dues, donations, and fundraising efforts.

Master Gardeners participated in activities that promote research-based horticultural information and enrich communities. This includes activities such as a  “Ask a Master Gardener” booth, community landscape beautification projects, Demonstration Garden, and environmental awareness education.

Why become a Master Gardener?

To learn more about plants and horticultural practices, to share horticultural knowedge and to enrich our local community.

How to become a Master Gardener?

Classes are a blend of online lectures and in person classes. To become a certified Master Gardener complete lectures, in person classes and volunteer requirements. Apply online at Contact the Chilton County Extension Office for more information.
