February Awards Meeting

Our February meeting is the time of year we present our awards. But as our usual procedure, we had our program first, which was presented by David Doggett, a Jefferson County MG and a tour guide at Aldridge Gardens in Birmingham. His program and great PowerPoint was on the Aromi Azalea. This was a very in-depth and interesting program. The Aromi Azalea may be seen at Aldridge Gardens. Thank you, Mr. Doggett,
for the presentation.

Our awards were as follows:
Nominees for MASTER GARDENER OF THE YEAR: Alice Broome and Lee and Wally Walters- winner: ALICE BROOME
PROJECT OF THE YEAR: Habitat for Humanity Project and Phase 4 of Chilton County Extension Office landscape- winner: PHASE 4
TOP TEN HOURS: First Place: Tied Harriett Jackson, 305 hours and Alice Broome 304.25 hours
Second Place: Alan Reed, 237.5 hours          Third Place: Audrey Giles 227.5 hours
Others in TOP TEN HOURS: Sondra Henley, Pat Farmer, Trisha Williams, Joyce Lawson, and Lee Walters.
TOP INTERN HOURS: Susan Cleckler,  258.75 hours
STAR AWARDS: BRONZE- Donna Babin, Susan Cleckler, Faye Collins, Skip Coulter, Lattie Hardy, Spencer Hardy, Joyce Lawson, Sherry Ray,
Elaine Webb, and Elizabeth York.
GOLD-Anita McGhee and Ann Moore
EMERALD: Sondra Henley
GOLD: Imogene Bresse, Jimmy Knowles, and Mildred Knowles
Also recognized was HELPLINE COORDINATOR Lanell Baker and Debbie Housner and Larry Jones. Lanell received a Gold pin as coordi-
nator and Debbie and Larry received a Bronze pin for working 3 days on the  helpline.
We had 30 in attendance, with 3 visitors: Teresa Freeman, our Intern-in-waiting; Nelson Wynn, our County Agent; and our speaker, David

Here is a slideshow of photos from the awards program.