I very much enjoy writing articles for you to read. What you take away is important to me. My hope is that you learn something of the subject at hand and are entertained in the process. Not necessarily entertained in the ha-ha but kept interested enough to read the whole piece. Of course, I can never resist a cheap ha-ha along the way.
For me there is always an under-story, some not very deep, others hopefully make you think long after you finish reading. I mostly write about things that interest me. Sometimes someone will say “write something about this or that” and those are fun too because they are things I might not have thought of on my own, or fill a need for getting the word out about a given subject.
Fact is we all like to share what we think and what we are interested in. Whether we do it well or not, we want to tell others all about it. From gardening to cooking to shopping, our craftiness, our successes, and sometimes our failures. We want to share it all. Sharing takes our successes higher and makes our failures smaller when we hear someone else has had the same experience.
Share a success and you teach someone else to succeed; share a failure and someone will teach you to succeed next time.