Flowers for the Chamber Banquet

Chilton County Master Gardener Audrey Giles was approached by Chilton Chamber director Francine Wasden a couple weeks ago and asked if any of the Master Gardeners would be interested in making a flower arrangement for the stage the night of the annual banquet. The board got together and decided to ask our very talented Treasia Bennett if she would do this. She graciously accepted and created this beautiful arrangement for that night. Aren’t we glad she’s our decorating Chairperson for the 2019 AMGA Spring Conference we’re hosting here in May? Great job, Treasia!

“We Love Our Octogenarians!


The Chilton County Master Gardeners Association now has 10 Octogenarian members.  And along with this descriptive word comes a bonus of having a Lifetime Membership in CCMGA.  John Wallace, who certified in 2018, also became our 10th Octogenarian in 2018.

“Octogenarian: Someone in his or her eighties, or in other words, between 80 and 89 years of age.”

Now that is a big word, and one that we don’t use in our every day speech, but a person that has lived for such a wonderful length of time deserves to have a special word to describe them!

E.C. Lewis was one of the founding members of the Association and became certified in 1999.  Joan Davis certified in 1997 in Jefferson County, but joined our association in 2009.  Lindy Helton became a member in 2000, Wayne Freeman in 2002, Margaret Goolsby in 2006, Margaret Ennis in 2007, Peggie Harris in 2008, Charlotte Word in 2009, Bettye Glass in 2011, and our newest member, John Wallace in 2018. We LOVE our OCTOGENARIANS!

CCMGA octogenarians in 2019




AMGA 2019 Conference Registration Open

Chilton County Master Gardener Association, along with Autauga and Shelby County MG Associations, has the honor of hosting the 2019 Alabama Master Gardener Association Conference. The Conference is being held at Clanton Performing Arts Center in Clanton, AL on May 8,9, and 10. The public is welcome and registration is now open. There is a great lineup of speakers and activities! One of our most noted speakers is Joe Lamp’l, Executive Producer and Host of the PBS series “Growing a Greener World”, previous host of DIY’s “Fresh from the Garden”, and on-air contributor to The Today Show, Good Morning America, and the Weather Channel. And he is just one of the great speakers!
Online registration is at Just click on 2019 Annual State Conference(in red), then click on Registration (in green) to be taken to online registration. We hope to see you at the AMGA 2019 Conference!
Brochure speakers page

Chilton County Sesquicentennial Celebration

Chilton County Master Gardeners participated in the County’s Sesquicentennial celebration on October 27th by hosting a tent at the Celebration in the Park to sign up people for the 2019 MG Class. We also talked about the 2019 AMGA Conference we will be hosting at Clanton Performing Arts Center next May. In addition to that we had a huge yard sale at the Chilton County Extension Office that Friday and Saturday.  Congratulations, Chilton County on your 150th Birthday!

150th Celebration

150th celebration

150th celebration photo









October “Gardening in Small Spaces”

Our program this month was presented by Mr. Glenn Huovinen.  Mr. Houvinen, a Master Gardener in Autauga County, is working on his Advanced Master Gardener certification in “Gardening in Small Spaces”.  His program was very informative, outlining the process of drawing a plan, getting a soil test, deciding what you like to eat and want to grow, and whether to grow in a raised bed or containers. He also explained about hooking up a rain barrel to your gutter system to help with watering. Mr. Huovinen talked about how to air prune and irrigate pots. He even touched on the art of Espalier for growing fruit trees, since this is a very space saving technique. I think everyone enjoyed his program on Gardening in Small Spaces.

Autauga County is partnering with Chilton County, along with Shelby County,  to host the AMGA Conference at the Clanton Performing Arts Center in May 2019. Mr. Huovinen set up our scrolling banner displaying the activities and speakers we have lined up for the Conference. He talked about the great venue for the conference without having to change rooms or choose which speaker you want to hear.

We are excited and working hard on getting everything scheduled and set up.  We have some excellent speakers, one being Joe Lamp’l from the television series “Growing a Greener World”, which is an award-winning PBS series. He was also host of Fresh from the Garden on DIY Network, and has been on The Today Show, Good Morning America, and the Weather Channel. The Conference is open to the public, but you must pre-register to attend. Registration starts in January, more information will follow.

An Unexpected Gift

Our September 11 meeting was well attended. Martha Thornburg, who was a Chilton County Master Gardener a few years ago, dropped by to give us some of Ms. Jewel Robinson’s poppy seeds that she has religiously saved over the years. Many of us remember Ms. Jewel, and a JEWEL she was! She was just an amazing woman who could garden, cook, and work circles around most of us! And she was known for old fashioned poppies. Thank you, Martha for such a wonderful gift! Other guests included Nelson Wynn, our ACES regional agent, and Diane Clapp’s husband, Clem Clapp.
Our program today was presented by our own Rick Miller. Rick has relatives in Southeast Asia and has visited there twice in the past two years. He has many photos, so he presented a PowerPoint of all the many wonderful places he visited while there, and of course, many beautiful flowers! Thanks, Rick, it was a very interesting program.Prior CCMGA member visitsMembers at September meetingRick Miller presenting program