Our February meeting is the time of year we present our awards. But as our usual procedure, we had our program first, which was presented by David Doggett, a Jefferson County MG and a tour guide at Aldridge Gardens in Birmingham. His program and great PowerPoint was on the Aromi Azalea. This was a very in-depth and interesting program. The Aromi Azalea may be seen at Aldridge Gardens. Thank you, Mr. Doggett,
for the presentation.
Our awards were as follows:
Nominees for MASTER GARDENER OF THE YEAR: Alice Broome and Lee and Wally Walters- winner: ALICE BROOME
PROJECT OF THE YEAR: Habitat for Humanity Project and Phase 4 of Chilton County Extension Office landscape- winner: PHASE 4
TOP TEN HOURS: First Place: Tied Harriett Jackson, 305 hours and Alice Broome 304.25 hours
Second Place: Alan Reed, 237.5 hours Third Place: Audrey Giles 227.5 hours
Others in TOP TEN HOURS: Sondra Henley, Pat Farmer, Trisha Williams, Joyce Lawson, and Lee Walters.
TOP INTERN HOURS: Susan Cleckler, 258.75 hours
STAR AWARDS: BRONZE- Donna Babin, Susan Cleckler, Faye Collins, Skip Coulter, Lattie Hardy, Spencer Hardy, Joyce Lawson, Sherry Ray,
Elaine Webb, and Elizabeth York.
GOLD-Anita McGhee and Ann Moore
EMERALD: Sondra Henley
GOLD: Imogene Bresse, Jimmy Knowles, and Mildred Knowles
Also recognized was HELPLINE COORDINATOR Lanell Baker and Debbie Housner and Larry Jones. Lanell received a Gold pin as coordi-
nator and Debbie and Larry received a Bronze pin for working 3 days on the helpline.
We had 30 in attendance, with 3 visitors: Teresa Freeman, our Intern-in-waiting; Nelson Wynn, our County Agent; and our speaker, David
Here is a slideshow of photos from the awards program.