Our CHILTON COUNTY MG group had a great May plant swap, aka Dirty Gardener! One of our members, Judy Cobb, was gracious enough to open up her home for this, or I should say her Barn! She had tables and chairs set up in the barn(built since they moved there full time) for our sack lunch meal and the plant swap. She lives in Coosa County, off of 22 East, on 200 acres that once belonged to her grandfather. The old home place is still there and is used for all their family gatherings. It is so authentic that you think you have stepped back in time! They have turned her grandfather’s old shop into their private home which they live in year round. They had a Tiny home before Tiny homes were popular! They have a 12 acre lake that a couple of our guys went fishing in this morning. She also has a fantastic chicken house, raised vegetables beds, scuppernong vines, pear trees, and young apple trees. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit, Judy, and can’t wait for our next one!