The Hype about Hemp

Then first CCMGA meeting of 2021 was held on February 9 at the Clanton National Guard Armory. Thirty-four mask-wearing members met in the large bay which gave us room to be socially distanced. We did not meet in December or January so it was nice to see everyone, even though we were 6 feet apart!

Our speaker, Jessica Kelton, Alabama Cooperative Extension System REA for Farm and Agribusiness presented her program, “The Hype about Hemp”. Hemp was first grown in Alabama for CBD oil, fiber and grain in 2019. There are regulations and oversight for growing hemp. For CBD production growers use cloned plants as female plants are needed. Mixed seedlings are planted to grow hemp for fiber or grain. We learned that hemp does not like “wet feet” but needs irrigation. After harvest the plants must be hung to dry much like tobacco. This can be a challenge in

Alabama’s humid climate.

After the program, we had our usual business meeting where we approved the 2021 Budget, announced our Plant Sale for April 17 to be held at Goose Pond Park, announced Ask a Master Gardener being held at Garrison’s from Feb 29 through April 10, and heard a report of the February Advisory Cancel meeting by Council representative Harriett Jackson. L

February Meeting Location

The Chilton County Master Gardener February meeting will be Tuesday, the 9th at 9:30. The meeting will be at the Alabama National Guard Armory, 406 Airport Road, Clanton, AL.

The program will be presented by Jessica Kelton, (Extension Agent). The program will be “THE HYPE ABOUT HEMP” This should be very interesting!

ALL MEMBERS & INTERNS PLEASE COME! Bring your chair, mask, and a drink if so desired.

Fun For February

We only have one member this month with a birthday; Sarah Justiss. Happy Birthday, Sarah!
Our February meeting will be this coming Tuesday, the 9th at Alabama National Guard Armory , 406 Airport Road, Clanton. The program will be “The Hype About Hemp?” The meeting starts at 9, and your attendance is always important! So bring a chair, your own drink if you so desire, and your mask. See you there!

Sarah Justiss has a birthday.

January birthdays

The first month of this year, 2021, is off to a slow start for Chilton County Master Gardeners. We chose not to have a meeting this month, because of COVID-19. But we will have a meeting in February at the Alabama National Guard Armory on Airport Road. And we can’t wait for spring to get back to work in the Demo Garden and the project at Jemison Middle School. In the meantime, we do want to wish all our members born in January a very Happy Birthday!

Photo with Jan birthdays

Diane’s Broccoli Salad

Diane Clapp provided this recipe for Broccoli Salad that she created by combining several recipes. The recipe was requested by several in attendance at one of our Christmas Parties.

Diane’s Broccoli Salad  

Yield: 6-8 servings


1-2 heads of broccoli – wash thoroughly and cut into small flowerets
6-8 slices of cooked bacon, crumbled
½ cup golden raisins (may use dried cranberries)
¼ cup sunflower kernels
1-2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
½ cup chopped red onion (optional)


1 cup mayonnaise
2 Tablespoons white or apple cider vinegar
¼ cup sugar

Place broccoli crumbled bacon, sunflower kernels, raisins, and onion (if using) in a large bowl and mix. In a small bowl, mix dressing, stirring well. Add to broccoli mixture tossing gently.

***You can prepare ingredients and keep them separate until ready to use. Best to mix just before serving.

Photo credit:

Outside, Socially Distanced, Masked!

Chilton County Master Gardeners met for the last time this year at the old meeting place, outside at the Little House at Chilton Research and Extension Center. There was a great turnout, with 30 members, 8 interns, and 1 guest present.

Alice Broom, nominating committee chair, presented the nominations for the 2021 officers. Nominees were President, Pat Farmer; Vice President, Charla Doucet; Treasurer, Audrey  Giles; and Secretary Treasia Bennett. President Susan Cleckler asked for any nominations from the Floor and none where given. Lanell Baker made a motion to accept the nominating committee’s recommendations for 2021 Officers.  Larry Jones seconded the motion. The Association agreed to the nominations, and the motion passed.

Membership chairman Trisha Williams presented Intern Linda Church, who completed the required hours for membership, her membership badge, certificate of completion, a CCMGA T-shirt and a copy of the bylaws.

Chilton County Master Gardeners are still in the process of locating a meeting place for their meetings for the second Tuesday of every month. Also, we will not be having a Christmas Luncheon this year. Due to the Pandemic, the Board felt that we could not safely serve food and socially distance ourselves. We will not have a December meeting since we do not have a large enough meeting space that would keep us out of any cold weather.

Stay tuned for bigger and better things to come in 2021!!

Linda Church gets certificate
Linda Church gets certificate.

Finally Back Together!!

Masked and socially distanced, Chilton County Master Gardeners met at Goosepond Park Pavilion on October 13 for the first time since the March Covid 19 shutdown. It was a day to celebrate meeting again and a day of congratulations. Four of our Interns have completed volunteer hours for certification and three were present to receive their badges and certificates. Congratulations to Patricia Agee, Gail Brooks, Jim Rabey and Linda Church (not present)!

A highlight of our meeting was the presentation of the 2020 AMGA Garry Murray Award for Outstanding Service and Dedication to our own County Extension Coordinator, Gay West. Gay has been exceptionally supportive of the ACES Master Gardener Training Program and of the Chilton County Master Gardeners Association. Thanks to Sondra Henley and Harriett Jackson for nominating Gay for this award.
Photos/ Diane Clapp
Article/ Trisha Williams