Our October meeting featured Lee County MG Dennis Pinkard and his program on Snake Awareness. Dennis has combined his love of gardening with his desire to do no harm to snakes. He discussed snake myths such as a snake will chase you. He says the snake has an escape route and you just happen to be in the way. He shared photographs of snakes and talked about how to identify specific snakes such as venomous Timber Rattlesnake, Water Moccasin (Cottonmouth) and Copperhead. He also shared photos of several non- venomous snakes. To minimize snake encounters keep your hands and feet out of areas you can not see and keep debris picked up. When you encounter a snake outside leave it alone and let it go on its way.
Our own Betsy Smith, a certified yoga instructor, led stretching exercises during our break. She encouraged us to do these exercises to improve flexibility, balance and posture. What a fun break! Thank you, Betsy!