June Meeting: Celebrate and Remember

The June Chilton County Master Gardener meeting was a time to celebrate and remember. We celebrated Betsy Smith for earning her Advanced Master Gardener degree. Betsy’s specialty area is Herb Gardening. Regional Extension Agent Jacob Turner presented her with her certificate and pin. 

Our President Skip Coulter, lead the association in a time of remembrance for three of our recently passed members, Joan Barber, Rick Miller and Alan Reed. Members shared stories and special recollections during a slide show of photos.

Special guests were Kerry Smith, Master Gardener State Coordinator; Devonne Ellis, AMGA President; and Debbie Boutelier, AMGA Vice President. They are visiting MG Associations around the state. It was a treat for members who have never met them.

This month’s program was presented by three of our association’s Conservation Group members, Hugh Nichols, Betsy Smith and Trisha Williams. Our Conservation Group was officially formed in May 2023 and one of the CG’s mission statements is, “To promote education and awareness of native plant species growing in, or around, Chilton County”. To fulfill that mission, the CG has created a presentation template for use in community educational and awareness settings. The presentation identifies the coordinating partners (Alabama Plant Conservation Alliance, U.S. Forest Service, Auburn University Davis Arboretum, to name a few) and begins with the relevance of biodiversity in Alabama. Complete with corresponding photos, topics include native, non-native, and invasive plants. Endangered or at-risk plants are discussed, and the three focus plants of our CG (Mohr’s Barbara Button, Alabama Canebrake Pitcher Plant, and Owls Eye Ginger) are detailed along with accompanying photos of the group on field trip locations. An extensive list of resources that support the group’s goals is provided within the presentation. 

Trisha Williams and Kerry Rush
Photos by Audrey Giles

Congratulations Sondra Henley!

Sondra Henley has become our association’s first master gardener to obtain her Advanced Master Gardener Certification. Her advanced certification subject is Composting. In order to become certified, Sondra developed and completed a plan of specific requirements which included continuing education, volunteer time and presentations. This effort takes lots of self-motivation and commitment. Congratulations Sondra Henley!

SONDRA Henley receives Advanced MG certification