We’d like to share a YouTube video from Tracy Britnell, who was one of our speakers at Petals from the Past during our 2019 AMGA Conference held here May 8-10, 2019. She spoke on Permaculture. She and her husband own a permaculture inspired farm in Autauga County called “Just Dig It”.
First Meeting of 2019
Chilton County Master Gardener 2019 President, Susan Cleckler, welcomed us to our first meeting of the year. We enjoyed a program on Permaculture presented by Tracy Britnell. Tracy and her husband are experimenting with permaculture on their farm and want the farm to be an educational site. It took about a year to get the soil ready to start planting. Since then, they have been using permculture methods. Inter-planting various plants to draw beneficial insects and repel others is one permaculture method. Another is using nitrogen fixing plants to help with fertilization. One of the goals of permaculture is to garden without using chemicals. Tracy is currently building a blog about her farm and methods and will share her research on the blog.
January Meeting
Our first meeting of the year was a very interesting and informative one. Tracy Britnell, owner of Creative Elements Landscape & Garden Design, presented the program on “Sustainable Landscaping”. Tracy has degrees in Design & Merchandising, Interior Design, and Landscape Design. She completed her certification in Permaculture Design at Spiral Ridge Permaculture with Cliff Davis in 2013. When time permits, Tracy offers consultations as well as detailed design plans. She specializes in outdoor rooms, foundation plans, cottage garden designs, edible landscape design, and practicing permaculture design principles. Her passion is organic and sustainable gardening and living. Oh, and not to forget, she is also a Master Gardener, since 2004! Thank you, Tracy, for a great program!