Chilton County Master Gardeners celebrated Christmas with a covered dish dinner held at the Clanton Recreation Center. After time for fellowship, a short meeting, a wonderful lunch and great desserts, we played a rousing round of Dirty Santa. Stealing was definitely the name of the game this year! We appreciated being able to enjoy the company of our Master Garden friends. Photos by Diane Clapp and Audrey Giles.
Lanell Baker and Patty Frye serving salads for Christmas luncheon.Clem Clapp & Rick Miller leading Pledge of Allegiance
Pat Farmer & Trisha Williams presenting Intern Victoria Brady with MG certification.
Trisha Williams presenting President Pat Farmer with gift.Members having fun before the meeting.
Intern Victoria Brady and husband.Retired ACES Coordinator Gay West(left) visiting meeting.We were glad to see ACES Office manager Elaine Densmore at the Christmas luncheon!V. Pres. Charla Doucet and Lanell Baker.The Dirty Santa presents waiting!Clem Clapp admiring a Dirty Santa gift.Cheryl Herbster likes her’s!Sharon Hosch looks stumped!
We only have one member this month with a birthday; Sarah Justiss. Happy Birthday, Sarah! Our February meeting will be this coming Tuesday, the 9th at Alabama National Guard Armory , 406 Airport Road, Clanton. The program will be “The Hype About Hemp?” The meeting starts at 9, and your attendance is always important! So bring a chair, your own drink if you so desire, and your mask. See you there!
Master Gardener Interns have had a difficult time earning volunteer hours to become certified this past year due to, of course, COVID 19 restrictions. CCMGA is pleased to congratulate Patricia Agee, Gail Brooks, Linda Church, Julie Garris, Sharon Hosch, Jane Rabey, Jim Rabey and Rae Ann Wright on becoming certified Alabama Master Gardeners during this difficult year. Volunteer activities included not only gardening activities but even mask making! There are eight more 2020 Interns working towards their certification and we encourage them to help with upcoming Master Gardener volunteer opportunities as much as possible!
We would like to introduce our 2021 Officers, Board members, and Team Leaders. This website page is kind of hidden, along with a few others. If you will click on the three bars in the green ribbon at the top left of the home page, you will see several items listed. Click on the “About CCMGA” and that takes you to another set of sub menus. There you will see History, 2021 Officers, Board Members, and Team Leaders, etc. Each heading that has a > beside it has sub menus with more categories. I know this sounds elementary, but a few can use a little help. Please look around, you might see something you’ve never seen before!
Regretfully three of our treasured Octogenarians passed away during 2020; E.C. Lewis, who was one of the founding members of Chilton County Master Gardener Association, Bob Bates, and Margaret Ennis. This is always very hard for us, especially this year with so many having Covid-19 and having loved ones sick with that, too. They will surely be missed. But on a brighter note, we gained two in our Octogenarian group; Wally Walters and Jimmy Knowles. Now whether or not they think reaching 80 is a good thing or not remains to be seen! I guess you could say Yes or No, according to how you look at it. Anyway, we always love our 80’s members and love seeing you at the meetings!
Today was a fun day!! Some of the Chilton County Master Gardeners spent their morning helping plant a garden in the Discovery Center at Jemison Intermediate School (JIS).
The Discovery Center has been made possible by grants from Cawaco RC&D Inc., Central Alabama Electric Coop, and also from donations from state representative Jimmy Martin (who passed away last year), Jason Powell and Petals from the Past, and several other volunteers. The garden consists of a Sensory Garden, a Pollinator Garden that includes several plants that are native to the state of Alabama, and in the near future, an Analemmatic sundial. They also have several raised bed vegetable gardens and a pavilion. Areas to be added include a wildlife habitat, a walking trail, a greenhouse and a weather station.
Rachel Mims is the gifted specialist teacher responsible for the outdoor classroom. Jason Powell, owner of Petals from the Past, was also instrumental in getting this project off the ground by designing the garden and donating all the plant materials, landscaping materials and being there to help. Also present today were several current and retired teachers and parents.
CCMGA looks forward to continuing to work on this project and we are grateful to be a part of it. This is what we are all about; teaching and beautifying the community.
Chilton County Master Gardeners showed up and showed out for our Monday Demo Garden workday! There were 14 of us (one non member-Treasia Bennett’s willing spouse) to dig, divide and replant or pot up daylilies, prune roses; dig up and replant dwarf azaleas; clean out the Herb bed; trim the vines in the shade garden; put out pine straw, and prune the box woods in the Knot Garden. Several of our interns and newly certified members have agreed to be in charge of some of our beds and areas. They are Patty Frye, Gail Brooks, Joan Crocker, and Sharon Hosch (helping Betsy Smith). As always, ANY of our members are encouraged to come out and help when you can. Our work days this fall will be cut to one instead of two, which will be on Thursdays, 8-10a.m., weather permitting. Photos by Audrey Giles (not pictured).
Alice Broome and Larry Jones working in the Storage Shed Garden
Joan Crocker & Jane Rabey trimming vines
Patty Frye helping prune roses
Sharon Hosch cleaning out Herb Bed
Alan Reed & Harriett Jackson pruning roses
Gail Brooks digging and dividing daylilies
Susan Cleckler ready to rake around daylily beds
Treasia Bennett & hubby pruning box woods
Diane Clapp digging and dividing daylilies (Audrey Giles helping and taking photos)
Our December meeting was held at the Barn at Petals from the Past. We had a short business meeting, presented Golda Thomas with her MG certificate, enjoyed a delicious Pot Luck Christmas Luncheon, then concluded with many of us playing Dirty Santa. There was a lot of stealing going on as you can tell from the photos in this slideshow . We look forward every year to this get together and just relaxing and having fun!
Melt almond bark according to directions on package. Add mixed nuts, dried cranberries, and crushed pretzels. Drop by teaspoonful or spread on waxed paper. If spread break into pieces when hard.
Hint: melt 1/4 of bark at a time and add 1/2 cup of each (nuts, cranberries, pretzels) at a time.
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