Congratulations to our newly certified Master Gardeners! Rene Day, Chip Durham, Leslie Durham, Susan Parkerson and Abby Messer have completed requirements to become certified. Certificates and badges were presented to those present: Susan, Leslie, and Chip.
Rick Cybulsky, Jefferson County Advanced MG presented an informative program on how to use and care for perennials. He told us that most perennials give 4 to 6 weeks of color but this can be extended by deadheading. He reminded us to cut back in fall and prune at appropriate times for the plant. Dividing when growth slows is important to plant heath.
Pat Farmer reminded us that our Intern class will need help with their project, asked for helpline volunteers, announced nominations for Officers and mentioned needing helpers for the bee meeting set up. Our November meeting will be at another location, TBA. Photos by Diane Clapp