Congratulations to Margariette Hoomes for earning her Master Gardener certification and receiving her MG badge and certificate. The CCMGA Board of Directors provide an Appreciation Lunch of soup and chili for our great members and interns. We had great attendance and enjoyed sharing a meal and socializing with our members.
Terese Goodson from the Capitol City Master Gardeners Association spoke about “Year Round Color in the Garden.” Her goal is to have something blooming every month of the year so that she can have a vase of fresh flowers everyday of the year. A variety of reseeding annuals and perennials can meet this goal. She shared a bloom time chart for central Alabama which serves as a guide for plant selection for each month.
Nominations for 2023 Officers were brought before the members and voted on. The new officers were introduced to the membership and photos taken. 2023 CCMGA Officers are Jerry Farmer, President; Leslie Durham, Vice President; Kerry Rush, Secretary; and Lynn Webb, Treasurer.
Plans were discussed for a booth at the December 4th Maplesville Old Fashion Christmas to promote Master Gardeners. A request was made for small flower seeds to make flower bombs as a give away for children. Several volunteered to provide seeds and help put them together. Volunteers to work the booth in Maplesville were discussed.
After no more business, the meeting was adjourned.