The Chick Chain is an Alabama Cooperative Extension System 4-H project. The participants receive baby chicks to raise and train for the annual show and auction. They work hard caring for their chickens and learn to keep valuable and up-to-date records.
The culmination of their efforts is the Show and Auction held each fall at the Chilton Research and Extension Center. This year the counties involved were Autauga, Bibb, Chilton and St. Clair.
Showing their birds in front of a judge and the audience helps to build confidence. Raising the birds and keeping good records promotes responsibility.
Volunteers from the Chilton County Master Gardeners Association put together 120 sack lunches for the 4-H’er’s that included a hot dog, potato chips, a home-made cookie (by some of the CCMGA volunteers), and a soft drink. Although we were favored with a few rain showers this year, it was still a fun day for the 4-H’er’s and all the volunteers as well
photos by Audrey Giles and Amy Baker