Demo Garden Update

By Sondra Henley

This past week Ann Moore and Julie Soileau lined the tool shed flower bed at the Demo Garden with rocks. With this improvement the shape of  of the bed is much better defined.

Paula Blevins Russell, Don Burdette, Diane Clapp, Alice Broome, Harriett Jackson and not pictured, Sondra Henley planted 32 hollies at the Demo Garden. This  planting completes the four corner circles of the new Demonstration Garden.


Gathering Stones

By Sondra Henley

Several Chilton County Master Gardeners met at Rick Miller’s Lake Mitchell home to gather rocks for the rock garden that he is developing at the Demo Garden. Members that helped were left to right: Lee and Wally Walters, Don Burdette, Bill Hairrell, Jimmy and Mildred Knowles, Rick Miller, Sarah Saunders, Michelle Thomas, Linda Hays, Diane Clapp, Harriett Jackson, and not pictured, Sondra Henley. They toured Rick’s greenhouse and were given some of the Ponderosa lemons that he grows. He also shared his shop project; a full size electric boat. Members were treated to a Chili/Hot dog lunch with all the trimmings. Lee and Wally Walters gave members a boat ride and tour of their lakeside property. The relaxed setting gave all that attended a great time of fellowship. The delivery date and building of the rock terrace at the Demo Garden will be announced later.


UA Arboretum Tour

Several of the Chilton County Master Gardeners, one member from Jefferson County, and Paula Blevins-Russell’s mother toured the University of Alabama Arboretum in Tuscaloosa Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. The Arboretum has walking trails through a native section, a collection of ornamental plants, an experimental garden and a children’s garden. All that attended enjoyed the trip very much. There were renovations going on at the time of the tour, and blooms were few, so all that attended said that this has to be a future Spring Tour for sure! Pictured from left to right are Paula’s mother Artie Blevins, Miriam Newman from Jefferson County, Paula Blevins-Russell, Treasia Bennett, Alice Broome, Peggy Harris, Pat Farmer, Linda Hand, Robert Lee Whatley, and Jane Mason. Not pictured, Monica Watson, Director of the Arboretum. Pictures contributed by Alice Broome.






CREC Thank You Supper

The Chilton Research and Extension Center hosted their annual “THANK YOU SUPPER” on October 29th for all the Master Gardeners that helped with the Farm, Home, and Wildlife Expo this year. This includes Chilton, Elmore, Autauga, & Jefferson Master Gardeners. Jim and Deb Pitts always serve a great fall meal of Brunswick stew, cornbread, drinks, and cookies and cakes and it is delicious. Jim also has his fire going in the fire pit because it’s usually a little cool.  This year, he had a really big surprise for all of us, a Jerry Clower impersonator and he was fantastic!! Thanks, Jim and Deb, for a great evening full of great food and entertainment. It’s gonna be hard to top this one next year! Click here for a Smilebox slideshow of the evening.

Planting Clanton and Jemison

This past Thursday found CCMGA members playing in the “dirt”,  planting flowers in the pots in downtown Clanton and Jemison. We had to cancel our Tuesday planting because of the rain all day that day, but Thursday cooperated, with no rain and just a few clouds. Thanks to all the members who were able to come out and help! Not pictured, Alan Reed and Audrey Giles.

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Thorsby Swedish Fest

CCMGA members participated in the Thorsby Swedish Festival this year with 2 booths, selling handmade crafts, home baked goodies, potted flowers and small trees.  The weather was mild and everyone there enjoyed the day. Thanks to all the members who helped make this day a great one.

25th AMGA Conference

AMGA CONF.Several of the members and one intern attended the 25th  Alabama Master Gardener Association’s annual conference this year. It was held in Cullman on March 23rd through 25th and the theme was “Gardening…WOW!!”  There were many workshops to attend with very informative speakers and this year, the price of the banquet held on Tuesday night was included in the registration fee.  Everyone said they had a great time.  All members should plan to attend next year!

Redesigning The Demo Garden

Redesigning the Demo Garden


Progress is being made! Walls are going up! CCMGA members helped transport donated stones to the Demo Garden at CREC on Monday July 8th. This material will be incorporated into the new garden design as garden edging, path edging capstones and flooring for the shade garden.  Master Gardeners who helped were: Lanell Baker, Lee Walters, Ira Jones, Steve McAnally, Harriett Jackson, Jerry Farmer and Sondra Henley. Spouses of Master Gardeners that helped were Treasia Bennett’s husband, Dennis and Sondra Henley’s husband, Gary.  Gary saved us many trips by bringing his company’s 20 foot box truck with a pallet jack.  All materials were transported and stacked by 10:00 a.m. The next week Dennis Bennett was in charge of the digging and pouring the cement for footings for the quadrant walls and now the walls are going up!  Click here for a an updated slideshow of the progress being made.


We’re Official!!

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This summer has been a busy time for our interns and they are almost 100 % certified! Robert Lee Watley was the first of our interns to earn his membership badge and get certified. In July we had Michele Thomas, Ira Jones, Katie Moon, Karen Giles, Jerry Giles, & Don Burdette receiving their badges. In September, we had Anne Moore, Willie Valentine, Kimberly Lynn, and Janis Wilson receive theirs. They have been very active in helping with the redesign of the demonstration garden, helping with preparing for the Fall Seminar, attending meetings, and working the Help Line. We are proud of all our new members!


AMGA Fall Seminar 2015

MG volunteers ath fall seminarChilton County Master Gardeners were given the honor this year of hosting the Alabama Master Gardener Association’s Fall Conference.  It was held September 9th at Clanton Conference & Performing Arts Center at Jefferson State Community College. It was well attended, with 255 registrations. We were told that was about 75-100 more than normally attends. Everything went smoothly, and we got so many compliments about how well it was organized and how pretty all the decorations were! We had wonderful speakers, good food, and lots of folks, what more can you ask for? Click HERE for a slideshow of all photos.