Fabulous February❗️

The February monthly meeting is always our Awards Ceremony. But the first order of business was our very own Lanell Baker(also Secretary) presenting a program on “Starting Plants From Seed”. It was very informative with lots of questions from the audience.
We have really enjoyed having Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Wright’s Nursery in Plantersville joining us in our meetings these last few months. They both have degrees in horticulture, so no Master Gardener course for them❗️We want them to go on meeting with us each month, so we awarded each one of them with our Honorary Member Certificate. So now they are part of us🥰❗️
Dianne Clapp was this month’s Premier Peach recipient, for her steadfastness and willingness to help. She was awarded a Certificate and a Peach Pin.
Our President, Skip Coulter, has added a very interesting part to our meetings. At the end he has a Question and Answer Quiz, (sometimes multiple choice)with half of us being the Annuals and half of us being the Perennials. You NEVER know what the questions will be. I think so far we are neck and neck for winning. And Skip always has a bag of candy or cookies for the winners.
Our program photos and Awards winners are below, with names and awards listed.
Photos by Audrey Giles