Christmas Fun!

The Chilton County Master Gardeners really enjoyed their December 13th meeting/Christmas Luncheon. The meeting was short, but one thing that was very important was presenting one of our interns, Sally Moore, with her certificate and badge. Also, our 2021-2022 President, Pat Farmer, introduced the new 2023 board members to everyone. There were many members there, spouses of members, sisters, and a few grandchildren! We were delighted to have our Extension Retirees Gay West, County Coordinator and Elaine Densmore, Administrative Assistant II. We also had our new County Extension Agent, Lucy Edwards there and all the new associates from Chilton County Extension Office. Lucy introduced herself and the rest of the group to all the members.
Our Hospitality group did a themed decoration, I called it “Vintage Toys from Christmases Past”. They all had old toys and lovely old dolls to share for the tables. The Hospitality group did a wonderful job with ALL the decorations and the arrangements of the food stations. Thanks to everyone that volunteered to cook all the wonderful food and bake all the delicious desserts! And thanks to our member, Jim Rabey for donating and cooking the Turkey breasts, they were delicious as always!! Following the luncheon, several members stayed to play Dirty Santa. I didn’t get to stay, but it was rumored that there was lots of stealing going on! I’m sure they all had a wonderful time!! So, until next year:

Photos by Audrey Giles & Lynn Webb

L-R Sally Moore is presented her certificate by MG Trisha Williams. Seated is recently retired Chilton County Extension Administrative Assistant Elaine Densmore.
Standing our new County Extension Agent Lucy Edwards and seated, retired Extension County Coordinator Gay West
2023 Board Members L-R Back- VP Leslie Durham,Treasurer Lyn Webb, M.A.L Judy Cobb, M.A.L. Hugh Nichols, Secretary Kerry Rush, Pres. Jerry Farmer. Front L-R Membership Trisha Williams, M.A.L. Lynne May, and Past Pres. Pat Farmer
Different kinds of pepper jelly served with cream cheese and crackers. The jellies were made by MG Debbie Housner and they were delicious!
One of Judy Cobb’s antique dolls. Her grandmother made the doll for her and her mother sewed the dress and a matching dust ruffle for her bed when she was very young.
Dirty Santa fun! Trisha Williams & Treasia Bennett
Jerry Farmer
Lynne May with her granddaughter who was enjoying playing with the old toys.
MG Susan Parkerson got pecans for her dirty santa gift, a well received gift!

2022 Fall Intern Project

The 2022 Chilton County Fall Master Gardener Intern Class and Chilton County Master Gardeners have installed the plants for Phase 1 of the class project. They created a plan to replace the shrubs along the front of the Clanton Community Center and to make the entrance more inviting. City of Clanton workers removed the overgrown shrubs and added top soil. Earlier in October the class and Master Gardener volunteers tilled in soil amendments. The next step was to plant the bed with Arborvitae ‘Emerald Green,’ Gardenia ‘Autumn Beauty,’ Illicium ‘Florida Sunshine,’ Hosta ‘Glad Rags,’ Amaryllis and Iris. A large pot, donated by Mayor Jeff Mims, was planted with a monochromatic group of plants which included Illicium ‘Florida Sunshine,’ Creeping Jenny and Carex ‘Everillo.’ They also placed a bright turquoise bench near the entrance.

Many thanks to the City of Clanton, Mayor Jeff Mims, Petals From The Past, ACES Chilton County Coordinator Lucy Edwards and CAWACO RC&D.

This project was made possible in part by a grant from CAWACO RC&D

Landscape and Yard Design

At our October meeting, Trisha Williams introduced Brandy Childress as the new Administrative Assistant at the Chilton County Extension Office Everyone gave her a warm welcome with a big round of applause.

Our Vice President, Gail Brooks, introduced Don Armstrong as this month’s speaker. Don and his wife, Glenda, gave a very informative slide presentation and handouts on Landscape Design/Yard Design. Then as a nice surprise, Mr. Armstrong brought potted plants for every member!

Photos by Audrey Giles and Diane Clapp

Secretary Treasia Bennett introduces new ACES Chilton Office Administrative Assistant Brandy Childress
Speaker Mr. Don Armstrong
V.P. Gail Brooks presents Don Armstrong with his speakers gift
Front L – R Lanell Baker and Audrey Giles
Back L-R Amy Baker, Lyn May, Peggy McGraw, and Kerry Rush
Front L-R Chip and Leslie Durham
Middle L-R Wally Walters and Jimmy Knowles
Standing Back Judy Cobb

Tour of the Demo Garden

by Audrey Giles

Thursday May 5 was a beautiful day for a tour of the Chilton County Master Gardeners Demonstration Garden. We were host to Regional Extension agents Mallory Kelley, Dani Carroll and Bethany O’Rear and interns of Lee, Elmore, and  Montgomery County associations. Everyone met at 10 am for a tour of the different beds of the garden. CCMGA member Harriett Jackson gave a short bio of the Gardens and how the new one came about. Matthew Price, director of Chilton Research and Extension Center, told them a little about the center, what their purpose is, how they are funded, and all the fruits they grow. Everyone enjoyed delicious doughnuts from Lickin Good Doughnuts, coffee from Jack’s, and ice cold bottled water. Then they all  climbed aboard the 2 tour wagons from the Chilton Research and Extension Center to see the kiwi, strawberries, peaches, and figs, to name a few, that they are growing for research. After that, they all drove up the road to Petals From the Past for lunch and a welcome speech from Jason Powell of Petals.  After their lunch catered by Panera Bread, they all had a tour of Petals by Jason and then went SHOPPING🤩🪴🎍🌳🌾🌹🌼💵💵❗️

Photos by Audrey Giles

CCMGA intern Tammy Gentry on left with guests from Montgomery, Lee, and Elmore County associations.
CCMGA member Harriett Jackson, gives a short bio of the Demo Garden and how the new one came about..
CCMGA Pres. Pat Farmer and member Audrey Giles
CCMGA Intern Hugh Nichols and one of the guests.
Native Columbine in the Native bed.
CREC Manager Matthew Price and CCMGA Pres. Pat Farmer
CCMGA intern Kerry Rush talking to one of the guests.
Getting ready for the tour of the Center.
R.E.A. Mallory Kelly really tickled about something!

Perennials of Master Gardeners

The Garden of Master Gardeners has many perennials. Those are our members that keep coming back, year after year. We also have many octogenarians and nonagenarians in our Garden of Members. There are also plants that can live to be 100. Some that come to mind are the Jade plant and Christmas cacti. Peonies are another plant that can live on and on for years, as can the orchid.  Ferns can also live to be 100 or more.  So like the plants that live on and on, we at Chilton County Master Gardeners Association celebrate our octogenarians and nonagenarians and recognize them each year to let them know how much they are appreciated. Photos by John Sanders, Audrey Giles, and Pixabay.

Pruning Techniques

Sharon Hosch, head lead at the Demo Garden, came to speak to the intern class today about the Demonstration Garden that they maintain at the Chilton Research and Extension Center. She explained to them what’s at the Demo Garden and how it’s maintained, the schedule they normally work, and how they could earn hours by helping there. Then Pat introduced to the interns our Secretary, Treasia Bennett. Every year we invite the officers to come by and be introduced to the new intern class.
The morning zoom class was “What Did I Eat Yesterday?” led by Dani Carol from the Auburn Home Grounds Team. The class was about growing vegetables and fruits in your home garden.
After lunch, Pat Farmer introduced Harriett Jackson, who is over the Pollinator Bed at the Demo Garden, and Ruby Moberg ( not pictured), who is lead over the Extension Office Gardens. Harriett demonstrated to the class how to prune the knock out roses at the Extension Office. The interns learned a valuable, hands on lesson today. Photos by Audrey Giles.

Sharon Hosch, Team Leader at the Demonstration GardenB
President Pat Farmer, introduces to the intern class our Secretary, Treasia Bennett
Harriett Jackson demonstrating pruning knock out roses.
Harriett Jackson knows all about pruning😄!
A beautiful tall yellow bearded Iris already in full bloom at the Extension Office
The class looks totally engrossed in the pruning lessons!

Upside Down German Chocolate Cake

Try this delicious version of German Chocolate Cake.  Ann Moore brought this cake to a class and the recipe was requested by many. It is very moist and absolutely delicious.

First Layer:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.Upside Down German Chocolate Cake

  • 1 c. chopped pecans
  • 1 c. coconut flakes
  • 1 box German chocolate cake mix
  • 3 eggs
  • vegetable oil (follow cake mix instructions)
  • water (follow cake mix instructions)

Spread chopped pecans and then coconut on bottom of pan.

Mix cake according to package directions. Pour over pecans and coconut.

Second layer:

  •  box confectioners’ sugar
  • 8 oz. softened cream cheese
  • 1 stick margarine
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 t. vanilla

Mix cream cheese, confectioners’ sugar, 2 eggs, stick margarine, and vanilla until blended. Pour over cake mix.
Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes.

Recipe provided by Ann Moore