Where ARE The Native Plants?

A few of the Chilton County Master Gardeners made the trip to the Blount County Fall Conference on Oct 3. The Conference was held at the Locust Fork Baptist Church in Locust Fork, AL. The program was “Where the Natives Have Gone”. It was a very fun, educational day! 

L-R  Lyn Webb,  Hugh Nichols,  Kerry Rush, and Trisha Williams

Photo credit and article: Lynn Webb

March Native Plants

Our program for March was presented by Chilton County Master Gardener Trisha Williams, who shared with us her PowerPoint, “Native Plants in Grandmother’s Garden”. Trisha shared many native plant species with corresponding photos that included, but certainly not limited to, Bird’s Foot Violets, Columbine, Foxglove Beardtongue, Tall Ironweed and Red Buckeye. She reminded the membership of the 1973 Endangered Species Act regarding the harvesting of natives from the wild, and instead recommended the use of reputable nurseries. A handout with information and resources on native plants was provided.
Harriett Jackson and Hugh Nichols shared a research opportunity that’s under the guidance of ACES’s lead Dani Carroll and the Alabama Smart Yards educational program. Participants are being solicited for home vegetable variety trials. They will be provided seeds and will participate in collecting data related to plant date, quantity planted, emergence date, flowering date, first and last yield date, etc. Potential MG participation and additional information will be forthcoming.
Leslie Durham talked about the need for the association to create a Fundraising Committee.
Reports were given on the Demo Garden, the Extension Office Beds, and the Recreation Bldg Beds, with the last one being a work in progress.
Several volunteer opportunities were discussed.
Our Hospitality Committee was commended for their beautiful St. Patrick’s Day table decorations and also the volunteers who coordinated the food snacks. And many thanks to Betsy Smith for donating the Rosemary Sugar Cookie-filled coffee mug door prizes!!

Plants for the Planet

By Trisha Williams

At the July meeting Chilton County Master Gardeners presented Master Gardener certificates and badges to our first three Interns to certify this year. Congratulations to Cheryl Gritton, Hugh Nichols and Kerry Rush for meeting the requirements to become certified Alabama Master Gardeners.

Dr. Sue Webb, a Master Gardener and a native plant specialist at Petals From the Past, presented ”Planting for the Planet-Native Plants for Beauty and Function.” She stressed the importance of plants to our planet and wildlife. The presentation included trees, shrubs and perennial natives that are great choices for our gardens and are good food or habitat plants for birds and butterflies. Sue reminded us to plants for all seasons and to plant perennials in drifts.

Our very special Chilton County Extension Adminstrative Assistant, Elaine Densmore, is set to retire at the end if this month. We managed to surprise Elaine with a gift card from all of us. Happy Retirement to a wonderful person and friend to Master Gardeners!
Photos by Diane Clapp

L-R Hugh Nichols, Cheryl Gritton, Kerry Rush receive their certifications and badges.
Pres. Pat Farmer presents Extension Admin. Assistant Elaine Densmore with a retirement gift card from all of CCMGA members. We will miss her so much!! But she lives just up the road from us, so I’m sure hoping she will come and visit. We love you, Miss Elaine💞💞❗️
Dr. Sue Webb presents our program about native plants being used in our landscape.
L-R Kerry Rush, Sally Moore, and Cheryl Gritto