Heavenly Cake

Several Master Gardeners requested the recipe for Heavenly Cake, a sheet cake with pineapple, that was provided by Trisha Williams at our May Plant Swap.

Heavenly Cake

1/2 total batter from a yellow cake mix, mixed according to box directionsPhoto of Heavenly Cake
(remainder can be made into cupcakes or a single layer for later)
1 –  3 oz. instant vanilla pudding
1  – 8 oz. cream cheese
2 cups cold milk-
15 oz. crushed pineapple, drained
1 large cool whip
1/2 cup chopped pecans, toasted

Grease and flour a 9″x 13″ pan. Preheat oven according to cake mix directions. Mix cake as directed on the package, pour approximately 1/2 batter into prepared pan. Decrease baking time as your cake will only be about 1/2 inch thick. Cool completely in pan. Blend pudding and cream cheese and milk (it will have some lumps). Pour over the cake and let set for 5 – 10 minutes. Spread pineapple over the pudding mixture. Spread cool whip over previous layers and sprinkle with nuts. Must be kept refrigerated.

Members Attend the 2018 AMGA Conference

The ALabama Master Gardener Association Annual Conference was held May 3,4, and 5th at the Sheraton in Birmingham. Several Chilton County  Master Gardeners attended.  They got  the word out about the 2019 AMGA Conference which their Association is hosting at the Clanton Performing Arts Center. They had a display table set up with pamphlets for the conference and a rolling banner displaying the conference logo and activities that will be going on. They expect to have a great turnout of Master Gardeners from all over the state for the 2019 AMGA Conference, which will be held May 8, 9, and 10th, 2019 in the heart of Alabama, 🍑🍑 country, Chilton County❗


Photos by Susan Cleckler and Trisha Williams

Display table at 2018 Conference

Members who attended 2018 Conf.








Wally talking to a lady













Banquet night at 2018 Conf.

Intern Classes Tour Demo Garden


On Thursday, April 26, the Chilton County Master Gardeners welcomed Mallory Kelly and her intern class from Lee and Montgomery counties as they visited the CREC and CCMGA demo garden. Despite the rain and chilly breeze, the interns toured the CREC by wagon and then visited our demo garden. Harriett Jackson, Susan Cleckler, and Alice Broome enjoyed meeting the group, telling them the history of the garden and showing them the various plant beds. The interns were very complimentary of the garden and showed much interest in the designing of the beds, and plant identifications. As usual, the mutual enthusiasm of gardening led to many sharing new tidbits related to their own experiences. We look forward to a return visit from this great group!

Article by Alice Broome

Photos by Susan Cleckler








Interns tour Demo Garden in rain







Lee and Montgomery County Interns Tour Garden







Rock Garden in rain



























2018 Yard, Plant, and Craft Sale

The Chilton County Master Gardeners had their first yard sale/plant sale on April 21 at the Chilton County Extension Office parking lot. We had been cleaning out and collecting items for months. Thank you to all who donated items for this event, it was a huge success! We sold clothing, books, tools, glassware, furniture, garden items, Hypertufa planters made by the Master Gardeners and filled with succulents, and of course, plants! After the sale, we donated all the items that were left to the Chilton County Emergency Assistance Center.

Article  by Susan Cleckler

Photos by Susan Cleckler, Sondra Henley and Audrey Giles

Scenes from yard sale

Donating leftover items from yard sale



The Gardens of Clanton

The Gardens of Clanton Assisted Living facility approached two Chilton County Master Gardeners for advice and assistance on planting annual pots for the entrance and front porch and an existing vegetable bed and pots on the back patio. The Gardens obtained donations of annuals, vegetables, and herbs and provided potting mix and pine straw. The entrance pots were planted with vinca, calibrachoa (million bells) and ornamental grass. Tomatoes, yellow squash, bell peppers and sweet banana peppers, radishes and basil were planted in the existing 8×8 vegetable bed after it was weeded and amended with compost. An herb pot with flat leaf parsley, oregano, thyme, chives, basil and garden sage was added to the patio along with pots of rosemary, lemon balm and chocolate mint. Other pots on the patio hold  cherry tomatoes and vinca for a pop of color. The vegetables and herbs will be used in preparing the residents’ meals and the herbs can be also be enjoyed just for their scents.

This project enhanced the entrance, front porch and the back patio of The Gardens of Clanton and will be enjoyed by the residents and visitors alike.

Thanks to Audrey Giles and Trisha Williams for implementing this project and thanks to both for donations of herbs. Thanks also to Alice Broome for the donation of the beautiful rosemary plant.

University of Montevallo Community Garden Tour

Chilton County Master Gardeners toured the University of Montevallo Community Garden on April 17. The director of the garden, Holly Wadleigh, told us that volunteers and UM students plant, maintain and harvest the vegetables grown in the garden and donate them to Shelby Emergency Center. In addition to growing vegetables for SEC the garden hosts a Wise Women healthy living garden program and also rents garden plots to individuals. After a great lunch at Tavern on Main in Montevallo what gardener could resist a visit to Cedar Creek Nursery!

Prattville Tours

On April 11th, several of the Chilton County and Autauga County Master Gardeners made a trip to Prattville for a fun-filled touring day. Our first stop was the Bamboo Forest, which is located in Wilderness Park, 800 Upper Kingston Road and is owned by the City of Prattville. This is an amazing park, open from dawn to dusk everyday. Next on the list was the Demonstration Garden owned by the City of Prattville and  located next to the library. This garden is maintained by the Autauga County Master Gardeners. Many pounds of vegetables are grown and donated to area families each year.  Our next stop was the Prattville Gardens in Old Prattvillage. There we saw beautiful sun and shade-loving plants, which are also maintained by the Autauga County Master Gardeners. There is also a lovely old chapel on the site. The Gardens can be reserved for special events. Last but not least was the beautiful home of Autauga County Master Gardeners Don and Glenda Armstrong, which sits on 12 acres about 6 miles out of Prattville. Don’s main hobby is landscaping around his house. He also loves to propagate plants for his own use and Autauga County M.G.’s annual plant sale. They also provided a wonderful salad lunch complete with  homemade yeast rolls and dessert they prepared themselves. Our tour day was a huge success! HERE is a slideshow of photos from all our tours. Be patient as the music pauses, there’s MORE!

April Meeting

Speaker at April meetingOur speaker for our April 10th meeting was Holly Wadleigh of the Montevallo Community Garden at the University of Montevallo. Many students work the gardens as part of class requirements. Last year about 1800 pounds of vegetables were grown in the garden and donated to the Shelby Assistance Center. The garden is supported in part by the sale of herbs and vegetables started from seed in their greenhouse.

Craft Day at Sondra’s

Several members of CCMGA met at President Sondra Henley’s garage this week to finish up the hyper tufa planters and tree faces they started last month. These items will be for sale at the upcoming yard and plant sale to be held April 21st at the Chilton County Extension Office. Pictured are Pat Farmer, Alice Broome, Debbie Housner, Jackie Hickman, Treasia Bennett, Wally Walters, Susan Cleckler, and Robin Cagle.

Making Tree Faces

Making cement planters


Tree Faces

Planters filled with plants


2019 AMGA Conference Steering Committee

The Chilton County Master Gardener Association will host the Alabama Master Gardener Association’s annual Spring Conference May 8,9 and 10 of 2019 at the Clanton Performing Arts Center.
The 2019 AMGA Spring Conference Steering Committee met for lunch at Bertolone’s today as Bertolone’s is being considered for the AMGA 2019 Spring Conference Banquet caterer. Sonia had prepared a special tasting lunch comprised of chicken Alfredo, beef lasagna and red sauce and spaghetti, served with their house salad and dressing and a dessert plate of tasting size Strawberry and Zebra cakes. Those members of the steering committee who live outside of Chilton County were very impressed with this wonderful Italian restaurant in downtown Clanton.
One does not have to be a Master Gardener to attend. Details for vendors and registration will be announced soon. Not pictured, Treasia Bennett.

Lunch At Bertolone’s

Lunch At Bertolone’s

Master Gardeners eating lunch