Our own Dr. Betsy Smith, current Vice President of the Herb Society of America, presented Open the Gift of Herbs…for use and Delight. Betsy taught us that herbs are plants that are valued for flavor, fragrance, economic or industrial use, medicinal or insecticidal qualities. We learned that there are five herb families: mint, aster, carrot, amaryllis and laurel. Did you know that various parts of the plants are used? This incudes leaves, sap, bark, flowers, bulbs, roots and even seeds. Betsy also discussed growing, harvesting, cooking and preserving herbs.
November is officer election month for CCMGA. Our 2024 officers are: President, Skip Coulter; Vice President, Betsy Smith; Secretary, Kerry Rush; and Treasurer, Judy Cobb. Congratulations to our new group of officers!
Post by Trisha Williams; Photos by Lynn Webb and Trisha Williams